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Is My Plastic Surgeon Board Certified? – Knowing the Difference

Comparatively, when you look at the two names side by side, The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery and The American Board of Plastic Surgery look very similar, almost like they could be two names for the same institution. This is a common misconception to those outside of the trade. In fact, cosmetic surgeons are not required by law to be board certified in plastic surgery, but you should make sure that yours is and here is why:

Only the American Board of Plastic Surgery is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties and requires an intense certification process that prepares your surgeon for complications, though the chances of them happening are slim. It’s an extra measure of protection and preparation that makes surgery safer, and your doctor more knowledgeable.

Considering the benefits of this additional training, it is shocking the amount of local doctors who practice cosmetic surgery and are not board certified by board-eligible with the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

When choosing to have a procedure done, the trust you put in your doctor is of utmost importance. Dr. Zemmel is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.  He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS). His knowledge means your safety, which means everything.

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