Meet Johnna – Breast Reconstruction Patient Richmond VA
"I am very thankful Dr. Zemmel and his staff were put in my path."
"I am very thankful Dr. Zemmel and his staff were put in my path."
“The grass is always greener on the other side.” With the rise of breast augmentations, the trend seems that “bigger is better”, but there are thousands of women that suffer from physical and emotional pain from large breasts. Chronic neck, shoulder and back pain are common among women with large ... Continue Reading
As we age, our hormones go into a million different directions. You may notice more “peach fuzz”, stray wiry hairs that came out of nowhere, changes in color or texture of hair that is on your face or body. There are many over the counter solutions out there. Richmond Aesthetic ... Continue Reading
Stayed out past curfew? Enjoyed too many cocktails? Crammed all night to finish a presentation? Who’s going to rat you out? Your eyes!!! Redness, under eye baggage, dark circles, crow’s feet! Your eyes aren’t the windows to your soul, they’re windows to your secret behaviors and the real age on ... Continue Reading
Richmond Aesthetic Surgery understands that not everyone is able to pay for their cosmetic procedure by traditional methods of payment, like cash or credit card. We believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to enhance their image and self-confidence. Richmond Aesthetic Surgery participates with several medical financing companies to offer alternative ... Continue Reading
Many patients, women and men alike, are unhappy with the shape of their nose. The most common complaint concerns the “hump” in the middle of the nose that can takes away from the rest of the face. You no longer have to go under the knife for correction because injectable ... Continue Reading
"I am so glad I chose Dr. Zemmel for my breast reconstruction surgery."
"I have openly said, don't go to anyone else besides Dr. Zemmel and his staff. I love everyone here."
Summer is the perfect time to freshen up your look with a Botox® treatment. Repeated squinting from the bright sun will cause an increase in the depth and noticeability of the vertical frown lines in between your eyes. Botox works to paralyze these muscles to smooth out those “11” lines ... Continue Reading
Burns, dog bites, falls, and many other miserable incidents can leave behind a scar as a memory of the event. For simple injuries like a minor burn or skinned knee, you can help reduce the after effects by applying a moisturizing ointment like Aquaphor or Silvadene. After the skin is ... Continue Reading